“Ignition Spark” is not an easy album. It is an ambitious piece of work with long-term work on compositions. The trio has succeeded in their mission, as the end result will work as their first album. It has straightforward and easy-to-learn aspects, but also challenging parts that need to be digested. A few of the more modest pieces will crack the whole thing, which will slightly vaccinate the grade. The average lengths of the pieces, in turn, run in about five minutes, which sometimes causes slight numbness. Regardless of these drops of bitterness, the end result is a matter of fact, mainly entertaining and gripping. It's worth taking dark side of me's creation to the test, something that you won't get every day." 7½ out of 10 - Miika Manninen - Metalliluola - www.metalliluola.fi (translated from Finnish)


"I stumbled across your page and took a listen.  Very cool jams!  “When Dreams and Days Collide” up on that ‘mx3’ page is really a cool song.  Huge, no-excuses, larger-than-life epic rock 'n roll.  Massive guitars with a big (huuuuge) voice out front; I'm really digging the original heavy sound you carving out for yourselves!  So damn big!"  - Jeffro - www.jeffromixesyou.com


"The new record (Silence Of The Swallows) is really really good. Some professional bands could learn a thing or two from it. Especially when it comes to the arrangements. The small scene musicians are so rich in inspiration, that needs to come to the surface more." - Andi and Dave's Corner (Youtube Channel)


"'SIlence Of The Swallows' is not an easy album and challenges the listener. The songs are long, and the shortest of them is closer to the six-minute mark. The compositions take a few listens to unfold and it's not wonder that at first you feel like you don't understand what you're hearing. There is no need to expect hits that jump out at you in the same way, as the hooks of the songs swim deep and require concentration to find them. The album opens up despite its challenging nature and reveals itself to be a more complete and better whole than its predecessor." - 8- out of 10 - Miika Manninen - Metalliluola - www.metalliluola.fi (translated from Finnish)


"Interesting that while this album lasts 68 minutes, but somehow it seems quite a bit shorter - time flies by when it's playing. That happens only with solid albums!" - Underhiver


"Although they are just a three-piece band from the small Principality of Liechtenstein in the Alps, dark side of me play and sound like a big and powerful prog rock band that deserves the attention of the outside world. On their second release Silence Of The Swallows, storytelling once again takes centre stage, with crisp lyrics that singer and bassist Urs Kobelt perfectly incorporates into dark side of me's raw, melancholic and groovy prog rock songs with his clear and concise voice. Guitarist Marco, meanwhile, delivers some great guitar riffs, fill-ins and solos. The unknown trio from the Alpine country show in the best possible way that they should be on a European tour with big names like Amorphis and Paradise Lost with their catchy hard rock. It's not often that I listen to an album by unknown bands more than 1-2 times for a review, but the dark side of me album Silence of the Swallows has already been listened to several times. This album gives you more the more you listen to it. It goes deeper into the rock soul, because lyrics, vocals and music unite in a higher plane, as if I were floating over the beautiful peaks of the mountain landscape while listening to the song and the story about the fate of the small Swiss village "Marmorera". Listen to it and read the interview with Urs and Marco from dark side of me." - 8.5 out of 10 - Stephen Rocky - Metalized - www.metalized.dk



Silence Of The Swallows


8- out of 10 Points - Metalliluola (FI)

12 out of 15 Points - Legacy (DE)

8 out of 10 Points - Metal Factory (CH)

8.5 out of 10 Points - Metalized (DK)